News / food

Cornwall's Best Food Festivals 2024

Cornwall's Best Food Festivals 2024

Cornwall has become one of the UK's best foodie destinations - the humble pasty (that we all still love!) has been slightly nudged over for everything from Michelin starred seafood to tasty street food. Alongside the amazing restaurants a fun array of food festivals has popped up, so let's dive into Cornwall's best food festivals in 2024...
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Cornish Winter Warmer Recipes

Cornish Winter Warmer Recipes

When the wind gets that icy edge and the rainy is beating on the windows, it's time to cosy up indoors, spend time in the kitchen and indulge in some warming treats. We've picked our favourite Cornish winter warmer recipes to share with you...
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Cornwall's Best Independent Cafes & Coffee Shops

Cornwall's Best Independent Cafes & Coffee Shops

Nothing gets the senses going in the morning more than the aroma of freshly ground coffee. We love a good cup of joe, and if that's accompanied by a fantastic cake or awesome sourdough sandwich then all the better! 

As a family run business in Cornwall, we love supporting other local, small businesses. So we've put together a list of Cornwall's best independent cafes & coffee shops to share with you. Brighten your day (and theirs!) by supporting these cracking local spots...

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What's On In Cornwall - May Half Term 2023

What's On In Cornwall - May Half Term 2023

Wow, three bank holidays in May and now it's time for half term as well - what a treat! May is one of our favourite times in Cornwall - the weather is warming up, the hedgerows are full of wild flowers and it's time to dust off those flip flops

There is plenty of fun to be had, we've rounded up the best of what's on in Cornwall for May half term 2023...

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What's On In Cornwall This Spring

What's On In Cornwall This Spring

After hibernating all winter it's time to dust off those walking shoes, grab that coat and get outdoors! There is plenty going on in Cornwall this spring to get you inspired, so we've rounded up the best of what's on in Cornwall this spring...
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Best Vegan Restaurants in Cornwall

Best Vegan Restaurants in Cornwall

Whether you're giving Veganuary a go this year, or you've been vegan for years, the good news is that the vegan food scene in Cornwall is really hotting up at the moment. We've rounded up the best vegan restaurants in Cornwall, so head out for lunch or dinner and give them a try!
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Our Favourite Cornish Food Producers

Our Favourite Cornish Food Producers

Christmas is nearly here and one of our favourite things about this time of year is that it's all about the food! We're so lucky that here in Cornwall we have so many wonderful local food producers, so we've put together our favourites to share with you so that you can add a touch of Cornish to your festive celebrations.

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Top Spots In Cornwall For Waterside Dining

Top Spots In Cornwall For Waterside Dining

The warmth of a summer evening on you skin, the smell of the salty sea air and the happy clink and chatter of a restaurant. The perfect end to a summer day. Good food, good friends and the best sea views - that's what we had in mind when we put together our top spots in Cornwall for waterside dining. You won't find the usual suspects of The Pandora Inn and Porthminster Cafe here (not that we don't love them!), instead we've tried to share some spots that you might not have discovered yet...
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Top Cornish Recipes For Picnic Days

Top Cornish Recipes For Picnic Days

Warm days, wonderful views and walks in the sun. Remember that feeling of laying on a soft blanket, grass between your toes and watching the soft clouds drift by overhead. Well the good news is picnic days are back! We've put together our favourite Cornish picnic recipes so you can have the perfect day...
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Cornish Christmas Recipes

Cornish Christmas Recipes

We're proud of our Cornish roots and we love giving festive recipes a Cornish twist! Here are the Schoose team's favourites... 
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