Spring Wildflowers To Plant In Your Garden For Bees & Butterflies
We are all worried about the decline of insects, but the good news is that we can all do something to help. Whether you've only got space for a window box, or you have room for a wildflower lawn, providing habitat and food for these important little critters is easy and looks beautiful.
Let's support the bees and butterflies in our gardens this spring by planting nectar rich wildflowers! Here is our guide to the best spring and summer plants to help our our fuzzy little friends...
A familiar sight in Cornish hedgerows at this time of year, these tall spikes of purple or white flowers are loved by the long-tongued bumblebee. Watch a few stems of the flowers and you'll soon spot bees busily climbing in and out of each flower. Easy to grow in sun or part shade and happy in pretty much any soil, these flowers bring a lovely cottage garden style burst of colour and height to your borders.
One of the best flowers to plant as it is loved by a wide range of bee species. These soft blue flowers will grow almost anywhere and bloom from May until the end of summer.
Not really a wildflower, but we had to include this on the list as it's so important to a wide variety of insects. One of the best things to plant to give a nectar supply to bees, moths and butterflies during July & August. Look out for the variety 'Gros Bleu' which is best for pollinators.
This plant will grow about a metre tall and produces clumps of bright and cheery yellow flowers in late summer and autumn. They are attractive to many different types of bees including bumblebees, honey bees, sweat bees and nomad bees. Butterflies and moths will also enjoy the nectar.
Flowering from March - May this plant brings early colour to your garden and the bees just love it! Grows well in part or full shade so great for underneath trees.
Other Ways To Support Pollinators In Your Garden
Give 'No Mow May' a whirl! Less time mowing the lawn is a win for you, and you'll also get to discover what wildflowers will pop out of your grass with no effort at all. Creates a great habitat and food source for insects.
Build an insect hotel. It can be as simple as a bundle of bamboo sticks or as fancy as an insect hotel with different layers and zones - whatever you choose or have space for, it creates important places for insects to live and breed.
Plant a flowering fruit tree. You can even find dwarf fruit trees for pots or smaller spaces. The blossom is great for pollinators, the bark is habitat for insects and you get to eat the fruit that grows!
Love bees? We've got some gorgeous bee designs on wellies, socks, jewellery, sandals, boots, pumps and scarves. Click here to take a peek.