DIY Foot Balm & Scrub Recipes
Spring is here and we're gradually sneaking our feet into flip flops and sandals when the sun shines (before hiding them back in boots on rainy days!). But after a long winter of wearing socks it's time to get our tootsies ready to show off. Our DIY scrub and foot balm recipes can be whipped up in just a few minutes.
DIY Foot Scrub
Mix up this exfoliating foot scrub with ingredients from your kitchen cupboards! Cheap and easy to make, the salt removes the rough skin from your feet gently but effectively and the olive oil provides deep moisture.
Olive Oil
Essential oils (optional)
In a small bowl mix salt and olive oil until you get a thick, oily paste. You can add in essential oils if you have them to make it smell great and to get the added benefits of the oils. Try lavender to relax weary feet, peppermint to freshen or add some chopped fresh rosemary from the garden to increase circulation and reduce joint inflammation.
DIY Foot Balm
Perfect to use after our DIY foot scrub to lock in moisture. Our top tip is to apply it at night and then slip on a pair of socks. You'll wake up to baby soft feet!
50g Shea butter
40ml Coconut oil
40ml Sweet almond oil
20 - 30 Drops of essential oil (optional)
Put the shea butter, coconut oil and sweet almond oil in a bowl and either gently melt in the microwave or using a bain marie. Once all melted together drop in the essential oil of your choice and then pour into a small jar to set.